Who we are

Simei Global Consulting was created in response to the need to bring sustainability to the origin of the sourcing. As part of Cubicaje group, with more than two decades of experience in the world of packaging and logistics, SGC works since his foundation with leading companies in the textile sector. Helping them to implement ambitious projects to improve the efficiency of the supply chain, circular economy and sustainability.


At SGC we understand innovation as a means to add value to the customer. We currently have extensive experience and knowledge in the sector, which is why we develop a IT tool to optimize the supply chain through the control of operations.


We believe in the circular model as the best option in the production process. Our projects help our clients to achieve their goals in this area.


The development of innovative projects implies the need to identify possible inefficiencies quickly and effectively, and implement changes that resolve them as quickly as possible. Based on two key aspects: environmental and economic. We prepare periodic reports to our clients, which allow us, thanks to our flexibility, to implement improvement actions very quickly.


Unlike many consulting firms, we do not limit ourselves to telling our clients what to do. We work hand in hand with them in the execution of the proposed project, getting involved in its development as one more member of the team, carrying out an exhaustive control and monitoring thanks to our developments and our global supplier network.

What we do

We are developing projects for the world’s leading textile companies.

The first thing we do with our clients is to get to know them. To do this, we start with an audit process that allows us to see how they work, what their objectives are and how far they are in achieving them. During this process we focus on the following basic steps.



We know our clients

We audit key aspects of our clients processes relevant to the projects to be developed.


We look for solutions

Once we have obtained the relevant data, we search and select the best packaging suppliers for each client based on capabilities, compliance with quality standards, as well as a regulatory framework and/or social and environmental sustainability policies.


We monitor information in real time

We customize IT tools for each client. We manage all the proces steps in real time. We guarantee the traceability of our operations.


Control and monitoring

Once the project has been launched, we accompany our clients along the way, implementing control and monitoring tasks that allow us to continuously improve.


Delivered packaging. December 2024
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